Floral Pigments in a Changing World

Photo by moggafogga licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Photo by moggafogga licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Flowers paint the world in a dazzling array of colors. Some of these we can see and others we cannot. Many plants paint their blooms in special pigments that absorb ultraviolet light, revealing intriguing patterns to pollinators like bees and even some birds that can see well into the UV part of the electromagnetic spectrum. UV absorbing pigments do more than attract pollinators. They can also protect sensitive reproductive organs from UV radiation. By studying these pigments, scientists are finding that many different plants are changing their floral displays in response to changes in their environment.

Growing up I heard a lot about the hole in the ozone layer. Prior to the 1980’s humans were pumping massive quantities of ozone-depleting chemicals such as halocarbon refrigerants, solvents, and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) into the atmosphere, creating a massive hole in the ozone layer. Though ozone depletion has improved markedly thanks to regulations placed on these chemicals, it doesn’t mean that life has not had to adapt. As you may remember from your grade school science class, Earth’s ozone layer helps protect life from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation. UV radiation damages sensitive biological molecules like DNA so it is in any organisms best interest to minimize its impacts.

UV absorbing pigments in floral tissues can do just that. In addition to attracting pollinators, these pigments act as a sort of sun screen, reducing the likelihood of damaging mutations. By studying 1,238 herbarium specimens collected between 1941 and 2017 representing 42 different species, scientists discovered a startling change in the amount of UV pigments produced in their flowers.

Exemplary images for a species with anthers exposed to ambient conditions, Potentilla crantzii (A–C) and a species with anthers protected by floral tissue Mimulus guttatus  (D–F). Darker petal areas possess UV-absorbing compounds whereas  lighter ar…

Exemplary images for a species with anthers exposed to ambient conditions, Potentilla crantzii (A–C) and a species with anthers protected by floral tissue Mimulus guttatus (D–F). Darker petal areas possess UV-absorbing compounds whereas lighter areas are UV reflective and lack UV-absorbing compounds. (B) and (E) display a reduced area of UV-absorbing pigmentation on petals compared to (C) and (F). Arrows in (E) and (F) highlight differences in pigment distribution on the lower petal lobe of M. guttatus. [SOURCE]

Across North America, Europe, and Australia, the amount of UV pigments produced in the flowers tended to increase by an average of 2% per year from 1941 to 2017. These increases in UV pigments occurred in tandem with decreases in the ozone layer. It would appear that, to protect their reproductive organs from harmful UV rays, many plants were increasing these protective pigments.

However, changes in UV pigments were not uniform across all the species they examined. Plants that produce saucer or cup-shaped flowers experienced the greatest increases in UV pigments. This makes complete sense as this sort of floral morphology exposes the reproductive organs directly to the sun’s rays. The pattern reversed when scientists examined flowers whose petals enclose the reproductive organs such as those seen in bladderworts (Utricularia spp.). UV pigments in flowers that conceal their reproductive organs actually decreased over this time period.

The reason for this comes down to a trade off inherent in UV pigments. Absorbing UV radiation is a great way to reduce its impact on sensitive tissues but it also leads to increased temperatures. For plants that enclose their reproductive organs within their petals, this can lead to overheating. Heat can also be very damaging to floral structures so it makes complete sense that species with this type of floral morphology would demonstrate the opposite pattern. By reducing the amount of UV absorbing pigments in their flowers, plants like bladderworts are able to minimize the effect of increased radiation and temperatures that occurred over this time period.

How changes in floral pigments are affecting pollination rates for these plants is another story entirely. Because UV pigments also help attract certain pollinators, there is always a chance that the appearance of some of these flowers may also be changing over time. Now that we know this is occurring across a wide range of unrelated plants, research can now be aimed at tackling questions like this.

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Crab Spiders and Pitcher Plants: A Dynamic Duo


Most pitcher plants in the genus Nepenthes seem pretty adept at catching prey. These plants specialize in nutrient-poor soils and their carnivorous habit evolved as a means of supplementing their nutritional needs. Despite the highly evolved nature of their pitfall traps (which are actually modified leaves), Nepenthes aren’t perfect killing machines. In fact, some get a helping hand from seemingly unlikely partners.

Spend enough time reading about Nepenthes in the wild and you will see countless mentions of arthropods hanging around their pitchers. Some of these inevitably become prey, however, there are others that appear to be taking advantage of the plant. Nepenthes don’t passively trap arthropods. Instead, they lure them in with bright colors and the promise of tasty treats like nectar. This is not lost on predators like spiders, who are frequent denizens of pitcher mouths.


Most notable to Nepenthes specialists are some of the crab spiders that frequently haunt Nepenthes traps. These wonderful arachnids sit at the mouth of the pitcher and ambush any insects that try to pay it a visit. Often times both predator and prey fall down into the pitcher, however, thanks to a strand of silk, the spiders easily climb back out with their meal. This may seem like bad news for the pitcher, however, recent research based out of the National University of Singapore has shown that this relationship is not entirely one sided.

By studying the interactions between spiders and pitcher plants both in the lab and in the field, ecologists discovered that at least one species of pitcher plant (Nepenthes gracilis) appears to benefit greatly from the presence of crab spiders. The key to understanding this relationship lies in the types of prey N. gracilis is able to capture when crab spiders are and are not present.

Not only did the presence of a resident crab spider increase the amount of prey in each Nepenthes pitcher, it also changed the types of insects that were being captured. Crab spiders are ambush predators that frequently attack prey much larger than themselves. It may seem as if this is a form of food robbery on the part of the crab spider but the spiders can’t eat everything. When they have eaten their fill, the spiders discard the carcass into the pitcher where the plant can make quick work digesting it for its own benefit.

Over time, simply having a spider hunting on the trap led to a marked increase in the number of insects in each pitcher compared to those without a spider. Even if these meals are already half eaten, the plant still gains nutrients. Additionally, the types of prey captured by pitchers with and without crab spiders changed. The spiders were able to capture and subdue insects like flesh flies, which normally aren’t captured by Nepenthes pitchers. As such, the resident crab spiders make available a larger suite of potential prey than would be available if they weren’t using the pitchers as hunting grounds.


The crab spiders may benefit the pitcher plant in other ways as well. Research on crab spiders has shown that their bodies are covered in pigments that register high in the UV spectrum. Insects can see UV light and often use it as a means of finding flowers as plants often produce UV-specific pigments in their floral tissues. The wide array of UV patterns on flowers are there to guide their pollinators into position. Researchers have documented that insects are actually more likely to visit flowers with crab spiders than those without, which has led to the idea that UV pigments in crab spiders actually act as insect attractants. Visiting insects simply cannot resist the UV stimulus and quickly fall victim to the resident crab spider.

Could it be that by taking up residence on a Nepenthes pitcher, the crab spiders are increasing the likelihood of insects visiting the traps? This remains to be seen as such questions did not fall under the scope of this investigation. That being said, it certainly offers tantalizing evidence that there is more to the Nepenthes-crab spider relationship. More work is needed to say for sure but the closer we look at such interactions, the more spectacular they become!

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Further Reading: [1] [2] [3]

Fluorescent Bananas

Photo by endolith licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Photo by endolith licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the world. Love them or hate them, most of us know what they look like. Despite their global presence, few stop to think about where these fruits come from. That is a shame because bananas are fascinating plants for many reasons but now we can add blue fluorescence to that list.

Before we dive into the intriguing phenomenon of fluorescence in bananas, I think it is worth talking about the plants that produce them in a little more detail. Bananas belong to the genus Musa, which is located in its own family - Musaceae. Take a step back and look at a banana plant and it won't take long to realize they are distant relatives of the gingers. There are at least 68 recognized species of banana in the world and many more cultivated varieties. Despite their pan-tropical distribution, the genus Musa is native only to parts of the Indo-Malesian, Asian, and Australian tropics.

Photo by Forest & Kim Starr licensed under CC BY 3.0

Photo by Forest & Kim Starr licensed under CC BY 3.0

Banana plants vary in height from species to species. At the smaller end of the spectrum you have species like the diminutive Musa velutina, which maxes out at about 2 meters (6 ft.) in height. On the taller side of things, there are species such as the monstrous Musa ingens, which can reach heights of 20 meters (66ft.)! Despite their arborescent appearance, bananas are not trees at all. They do not produce any wood. Instead, what looks like a tree trunk is actually the fused petioles of their leaves. Bananas are essentially giant herbs with the aforementioned M. ingens holding the world record for largest herb in the world.

When it comes time to flower, a long spike emerges from the main growing tip. This spike gradually elongates, revealing long, beautiful, tubular flowers arranged in whorls. For many banana species, bats are the main pollinators, however, a variety of insects will visit as well. In the wild, fruits appear following pollination, a trait that has been bred out of their cultivated relatives, which produce fruits without needing pollination. The fruits of a banana are actually a type a berry that dehisce like a capsule upon ripening, revealing delicious pulp chock full of hard seeds. Not all bananas turn yellow upon ripening. In fact, some are pink!

CC0 Public Domain

CC0 Public Domain

For many fruits, the act of ripening often coincides with a change in color. This is a way for the plant to signal to seed dispersers that the fruits, and the seeds inside, are ready. As many of us know, many bananas start off green and gradually ripen to a bright yellow. This process involves a gradual breakdown of the chlorophyll within the banana skin. As the chlorophyll within the skin of a banana breaks down, it leaves behind a handful of byproducts. It turns out, some of these byproducts fluoresce blue under UV light. 

Amazingly, the fluorescent properties of bananas was only recently discovered. Researchers studying chlorophyll breakdown in the skins of various fruits identified some intriguing compounds in the skins of ripe Cavendish bananas. When viewed under UV light, these compounds gave off a luminescent blue hue. Further investigation revealed that as bananas ripen, their fluorescent properties grow more and more intense.


There could be a couple reasons why this happens. First, it could simply be happenstance. Perhaps these fluorescent compounds are simply a curious byproduct of chlorophyll breakdown and serve no function for the plant whatsoever. However, bananas seem to be a special case. The way in which chlorophyll in the skin of a banana breaks down is quite different than the process of chlorophyll breakdown in other plants. What's more, the abundance of these compounds in the banana skin seems to suggest that the fluorescence does indeed have a function - seed dispersal.

Researchers now believe that the fluorescent properties of some ripe bananas serves as an additional signal to potential seed dispersers that the time is right for harvest. Many animals including birds and some mammals can see well into the UV spectrum and it is likely that the blue fluorescence of these bananas is a means of attracting such animals. Additionally, researchers also found that banana leaves fluoresce in a similar way, perhaps to sweeten the attractive display of the ripening fruits.

To date, little follow up has been done on fluorescence in bananas. It is likely that far more banana species exhibit this trait. Certainly more work is needed before we can say for sure what role, if any, these compounds play in the lives of wild bananas. Until then, this could be a fun trait to investigate in the comfort of your own home. Grab a black light and see if your bananas glow blue!

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Further Reading: [1] [2]